The Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences fashion show shows the collections of the graduates and designs created in the fashion courses. The models walk through the streets of Bielefeld, starting at the Kunstverein, along the Art Gallery, the streets of Bielefeld the Metro Station and some parks. I organized the teams, planned the spots for the best shots and directed the team. My part in this is the organization, I created and directed the team, which are some Fellow students I met in different Classes, who enjoy to film. I checked the Route with Isabel Pallas, and figured the Spots for the Film shots, I wanted to create a diverse Trailer for the Fashion Show, by showing the models walking and Posing in the City. For that I created a plan for everyone with the spots of most interest and interaction, just as the prettiest City backgrounds.
Regie: Fiona Giljohann
Conception: Fiona Giljohann
Kamera: Fiona Giljohann, Louis Wiemann, Patrik Finger, Kenny Coman
Cut: Louis Wiemann
Music: Evgeny Bardyuzha
Organisation Fahsion Walk: Isabel Pallas, Philipp Rupp